Explosive Weapons & Their Impact
Expert Advisory Panel:
Terms of Reference
The function of the Expert Advisory Panel is to help The All Party Parliamentary Group on Explosive Weapons & Their Impact (APPGEW) access, interpret and understand evidence relating to the issues surrounding the use of explosive weapons and their impact, and to make judgements about its relevance, potential and application.
The panel is strictly an advisory body, and has no executive powers.
The Expert Advisory Panel will advise the APPGEW on a range of issues including (but not limited to):
The technical nature of explosive weapons and the measures taken to counter them;
The humanitarian activities of victim assistance and support for affected communities;
Strategic direction for the APPGEW;
Priority areas and topics with recommended actions or interventions to be taken to address priorities, and when to cease or reduce focus in existing areas;
and in particular to:
Act as a sounding board on societal, scientific, economic and technical issues relevant to the APPGEW;
Expose the APPGEW to the full range of views on issues relating to explosive weapons and victim support;
Advise on the quality, limitations and appropriate uses of research carried out by, or on behalf of, the APPGEW;
Advise on specific issues relating to explosive weapons where evidence is limited or further work is required;
Advise on specific issues and problems referred to it;
And finally;
Help the APPGEW, where requested, to develop and maintain links with the wider mine-action and counter EOD community and industry experts.
Expert Advisory Panel: Membership
Membership of the panel will encompass military & security, academia, civil society, technical and commercial fields of mine-action and counter-EOD work, victim assistance and community support.
Current members are:
To be appointed