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Chair – Helen Maguire MP, Epsom & Ewell, Lib Dem
Officer – Alex Ballinger MP,  Halesowen, Lab
Officer – David Reed MP, Exmouth and Exeter East, Cons
Officer – Baroness Foster of Oxton, DBE


The Lord Dear Kt QPM DL. Cross Bench
Lord Alf Dubs, Lab
Sir John Whittingdale MP, Cons
Martin Wrigley MP, Lib Dem
Chris Law MP, SNP
Dan Carden MP, Lab
Mark Francois MP, Cons
Steff Aquarone MP, Lib Dem
Jeremy Corbyn MP, Ind
Lord Rogan, Ulster Unionist
Paula Barker MP, Lab
Navendu Mishra MP, Lab
Baroness Findlay, Crossbench
Ian Roome MP, Lib Dem
Stephen Gethins MP, SNP
Gareth Davies MP, Cons
Charlie Dewhurst MP, Cons
The Rt Hon. the Lord Rooker, Lab
Calvin Bailey MP,  Lab
The Rt Hon Sir Roger Gale MP, Cons
Neil Shastri-Hurst MP, Cons
James Asser MP, Lab
Lord Tarassenko, Crossbench



This is not an official website of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of members of both houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in this document are those of the Group.





Featured image courtesy of Marcin Nowak on Unsplash. Image license can be found here. No changes were made to this image.

Nigel Ellway

Head of Secretariat and Policy Director



Mob: +44 (0)7586 329335

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